
Monday, May 18, 2009

Temporary Editor

Good news! I have found a temporary editor for my book who is willing to proofread and help comment on my works. If everything goes well, I hope for this to be a long-term work relationship!

Ask A Character Update

Just a reminder that you are able to ask specific characters questions by posting on either of the "Ask A Character" posts!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Diseases And Disorders #9 (Balligra)

Balligra is a disease that spreads throughout the bones and causes them to be more dense. This creates a problem in particular for Sorgonic dragons, as most of their time is spent underwater. However the other species are able to cope with it well, the only set back being not able to reach high speeds or altitudes while flying. Balligra is uncommon, but not rare and is genetic in origin. Most dragons who have Balligra do not even know of it until they are actually diagnosed. Known dragons of importance who have been diagnosed with Balligra include:

Biglam Lachezer (Ironically enough)

Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Diseases And Disorders #8 (Igriminta)

Igriminta is a disease in which the carrier is covered in severe rashes that eventually lead to internal bleeding. It spreads by contact, and networks all over the body. Although treatable, if Igriminta carriers do not receive help within two weeks of the first noticeable rash, it can possibly become irreversible and eat away at the internal organs. The disease comes from toxic fires, or fires that spew fumes from toxic plants. Dragons of importance that have been diagnosed with Igriminta include:

Eigol Estellwork's daughter, Zellbelza Estellwork

Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Diseases And Disorders #7 (Blastika)

Blastika is a disorder that occurs within the brain and causes the carrier to have enhanced perception and intellectual understanding. The carrier is able to carry a vast amount of intellectual power and they are extremely logical in their perceptions. The disorder does not damage the brain in any way, and it is up to the carrier how information is perceived. One of the rarest of disorders, Blastika does not cause any harm to its carrier whatsoever. Known dragons of importance who have been diagnosed with Blastika include:

Wreaknatter Drudlok (500 I.Q. in a scale of 500)

Alsenoth Ongeller (520 I.Q. in a scale of 500)

Halsim Valtor (510 I.Q. in a scale of 500)

Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ask A Character

I have decided, for those of my readers who have read part of any of my books, to do a new special corner in my blog. In this post I will allow people to ask characters questions that they have, and will post a new post in which the character will respond to them. For example, if one were to have a question for Alsenoth Ongeller, they would ask it in the comments section of this post, and he would respond later in a new post. Let me know if you have any questions about this, and have fun!

Diseases And Disorders #6 (Cellic Regneva)

Cellic Regneva:
Cellic Regneva is almost the complete opposite of Moltima Viriscus. Rather than having rapid deterioration of skin tissue, Cellic Regneva is a disease where the cells within the carrier quickly build themselves up to the point where they can cause extreme harm. This disease often leads to imploding body organs as well as tumorous growths throughout the body. Although harmless on a small scale (in fact a benefit if only partially acquired due to its rapid cell reproduction that can heal wounds), Cellic Regneva is highly toxic and can almost certainly be called a terminal illness. Though not contagious, Cellic Regneva has been known to be canceled out if the carrier also possesses the disease Moltima Viriscus. This combination of rapidly deteriorating and reproducing cells creates a balance within the carrier that can help create a longer life expectancy, rather than the usual predicted lifespan of twenty-five years. Although this balances helps it does not stop the end result. Because of the constant eating and rebuilding of cells, the carrier's body will eventually fight off both diseases causing the organs to go into shock and shut down. Known dragons of importance who have been diagnosed with Cellic Regneva include:

Halsim Valtor (Also diagnosed with Moltima Viriscus)

Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Diseases And Disorders #5 (Moltima Viriscus)

Moltima Viriscus:
Moltima Viriscus is a severe disease that causes rapid deterioration in the skin cells. Usually found on the face of the carrier, it results in sagging and peeling skin. There have been incidents where the carrier has been known to lose their eyes due to the focus on the ocular area. The skin quickly melts away peels at the slightest touch. Usually starting with a severe rash, Moltima Viriscus is not easily spread. It is known to only be transmitted through constant contact with other carriers. Although Moltima Viriscus is extremely dangerous, it can be averted by using a mix of Firethorn berries and Saltwater Sap. Because of the rareness of Saltwater Sap, Moltima Viriscus has often been treated by death or quarantine in order to prevent further spread. However, there have been known subjects who carry Moltima Viriscus along with Cellic Regneva, a disease that causes extreme rapid cell regeneration. Although it is just as dangerous as Moltima Viriscus, Cellic Regneva can help to counter the effects of Moltima Viriscus when the carrier has been diagnosed with both diseases. Known dragons of importance who have been diagnosed with Moltima Viriscus include:

Halsim Valtor (Also diagnosed with Cellic Regneva)

Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Diseases And Disorders #4 (Seclunis)

Seclunis is a rare disorder that sets the carrier's mind into a desire and fixation to be isolated from society while still contributing in some way. This is caused usually by a series of traumatic incidents around the carrier's childhood, creating an overwhelming sense and desire to remain alone. Not necessarily considered a true disorder or disease due to the emotional causes behind its origin, Seclunis can be described has a highly irrational train of thought that often leads to a lesser form of Dementia. Seclunis has not been able to be defined in full, but research from the Royal Dragon Academy has proved to find newer and newer forms of Seclunis in young dragons who have risen out of orphan backgrounds. Known dragons of importance who have been diagnosed with Seclunis include:

Markus Lumengar (Orphaned)

Kara Roote

Lech (Orphaned)

Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Diseases and Disorders #3 (Symphonica)

Symphonica should not be classified as a disease, but rather a disorder. In this rare case, the disorder does not degrade the carrier in any way, but rather amplifies their abilities. Symphonica occurs in early childhood, especially when the dragon was deaf in their infancy. It is a disorder within the ear canal that causes the carrier to become extremely perceptive to sound and or music. The carrier is able to do different things depending on the type of Symphonica. Symphonica Lyris has to do strictly with amplified senses that involve music. Symphonica Echnis involves strictly general sound perception. Finally there is Symphonica Versilis which is a mix of both types of Symphonica. The carrier can find perfect understanding of both pitch and harmony, perceive depth and feel slight vibrations, or do both depending on the strand of Symphonica. Known dragons of importance who have been diagnosed with Symphonica include:

Rajax Lacklottle (Symphonica Echnis/ Stimdart of Sound/ NOT deaf at birth)

Kala Roote (Symphonica Lyris/ Deaf at birth)

Let me know if you have questions! Thanks!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Diseases and Disorders #2 (Dementia)

Dementia is a disease that is a result of too much genetic makeup in the cerebrum section of the brain. Dementia creates a strong bond and link with the first major emotional trauma or release of endorphins that occurs in the cerebrum and causes the carrier to be emotionally fixed and obsessed with one person or idea. Because Dementia only presents itself when the genetic makeup of the cerebrum is altered, it is most commonly found in dragons who are known to have Duplex Syndrome. The over compensation for lost genetic tissue for those who have Duplex Syndrome often creates an overage in the cerebrum that results in Dementia. Dementia is only curable when the carrier obtains that goal that has been fixated in their mind. This causes the genetic strand of Dementia to result in an over exertion and eventual deterioration caused by a massive release of endorphins linked to the fixated memory. Known dragons of importance who have been diagnosed with Dementia include:

Alsenoth Ongeller (Semi-Dementia fixation on Kala Roote-a result of becoming infatuated with her as a child)

Indigo Ravvendin (Dementia fixation on suicide-a result of a near death experience as a child)

Let me know if you have questions. Thanks!

Quotes Update

I am going to be postponing my "Quote of the Day" posts for a little while. The reason being that I feel as if I am giving too much away, and that I am also running out of quotes which I have written down as of right now. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Diseases and Disorders #1 (Duplex Syndrome)

SO this is the first of my "Diseases and Disorders" posts. Basically this is going to help you know about the things that cause harm in Tarterrior to dragons and what not. So here's the first one. Let me know if you have any questions, thanks!

Duplex Syndrome:
Duplex syndrome is a genetic birth defect that happens when the baby dragon is conceived. The genetic tissue is harmed and tries to rapidly reinforce itself, causing an over abundance in the genetic DNA makeup. Because of this, the dragon is born with an overage of either limbs or organs. Although Duplex Syndrome is quite harmless, many who have been known to receive it have also been diagnosed with Dementia, a disease where the carrier becomes overly obsessed with a certain person or idea. The syndrome is quite rare, and usually occurs when giving birth to twins. However, there have been some cases of single birthed dragons who have Duplex Syndrome. Known dragons diagnosed with Duplex Syndrome include:

Regalon Reave (4 wings)

Indigo Ravvendin (4 eyes, 2 hearts, split tail/ TWIN to Astrin Ravvendin/ Carrier of Dementia)

Astrin Ravvendin (2 brains, 2 tongues/ TWIN to Inidgo Ravvendin)

Quote Of The Day #41

"You want to know what I hate? Everything."

Quote Of The Day #40

Markus Lumengar
Markus smiled sarcastically. "Oh, I just love body guarding. Where do I sign up?"

Quote Of The Day #39

Greilner Drudlok
"Crush the skulls of those barbarous vermin and swipe them out with a merciless pestilence!"

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Species Of Dragon #9 (Creerish)

By far the most rare species of dragon, and a sub-species of the Flankerian dragon, Creerish dragons are almost a direct lineage from the ancient Creerian race. Rather than having leathery wings and skin like the other species of dragon, Creerish dragons boast beautiful feathered wings and actual visible scales for skin. There arms are longer than mosts dragons and their three talons are dangerously large and thick. Creerish dragons do not wield weapon tails, and their snouts are curved into a beak shape. Their large eyes give them an eerie look, and if it were not for the fact that they have the ability to breath fire, some would mistake them for the actual ancient Creerians. Ranging from ten to eleven feet tall (unlike their Flankerian brethren), and weighing between 390 to 415 pounds, Creerish dragons possess the powers of fire, paralysis, confusion, tremor, and screech. Their limited abilities are made up for in their wicked speed and strength. Not much more is known about the Creerish race, as there has almost been no sightings of them in Tarterrior. Known Creerish dragons of importance include:

Regalon Reave (Half Creerish, half Royalic)

[SPECULATED] Kestus Vertin (KNOWN AS: Half Flankerian, half Royalic)

Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

Quote Of The Day #38

"Wow. That guy Wreaknatter has serious temper issues."

Quote Of The Day #37

Alsenoth Ongeller
"If I am to die, I want it to happen while protecting someone I love."

Quote Of The Day #36

Keller Scottloch
"I am no prince. Princes are too proud and mighty for my taste. Sorry, Trill."

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Species Of Dragon #8 (Sorgonic)

This marks the first entry of the subspecies of dragon, so here it is!

Sorgonic Dragons:
Sorgonic dragons are a branch of Dryskinic dragons. Making their home in the underwater city of Sorgon, Sorgonic dragons are built for deep sea living. Rather than having sharp back spines and head crests like the other species of dragon, Sorgonic dragons instead have slender tentacle like tendrils that protrude out of their backs and heads. Their tails, similar to Dryskinic tails, are not built as a weapon but rather a sort of fin to help better propel their bodies through water. Although their wings are stronger than any of the other species, they are not built for flying, but for swimming. An average Sorgonic dragon is able to keep its body aloft for just over two hours compared to the normal six to seven. Built at an average of ten to eleven feet tall, and 360 to 390 pounds, Sorgonic dragon's slender and elongated bodies help to better them in their swimming. Able to project water, wind, pulse waves, hypnosis, paralysis, and confusion, Sorgonic dragons are the most limited in their attack patterns. Usually green, blue, purple, white, teal, yellow, or maroon in color, Sorgonic dragons are among the most rare species to actually see while visiting Tarterrior. Known Sorgonic dragons of importance include:

Malamax Yevyir

Let me know if you have questions. Thanks!

Quote Of The Day #35

"So I've been under Wreaknatter's control?"
They all nodded. Lech rolled his eyes and started to walk off.
"Brilliant," he muttered.

Quote Of The Day #34

Kala Roote
"I don't have time for your big head, Alsenoth! I don't even have room! Look around; we're in a tiny space. So get!"

Quote Of The Day #33

Andonta Wenwott
"Effort is only measured by will, dear son."

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Species Of Dragon #7 (Trentic)

So this marks the last of the seven main species of dragon. After this, I will be posting the sub-species for my viewer's knowledge. Enjoy!

Trentic Dragons:
Found within the world of Tarterrior, but not found on the continent of Tarterrior, Trentic dragons make their home in their native country of Trentar. Usually brown, gold, yellow, dark green, or olive in color Trentic dragons are known for their height, intellect, and cunning battle tactics. Ranging from ten to eleven and a half feet tall, and weighing between 385 to 425 pounds, Trentic dragons appear to be massive in comparison with the other species of dragon. However most Trentic dragons are leanly built, and fail to be bulky in appearance. Able to run at high speeds, and hear with unmatched precision, Trentic dragons are decorated with two sets of razor teeth, one to four sets of sharp back spines, horribly hooked talons, and curved spines at the fold of their wing, Trentic dragons are known for their unique design in their tails. Many are built as a perfect weapon and, compared to the other species, are odd in shape. Other than their tails, Trentic dragons bear host to the power of fire, heat waves, water, vines, pulse waves, energy beams, black ice, poison, venom, paralysis, hypnosis, and even wind. Trentic dragons are the most diverse in their appearance, as their genetic code does not stay to one known structure. There are often Trentic dragons whose appearance does not match the above descriptions, and whose shape and size may entirely be different. Know Trentic dragons of importance include:

Rajax Lacklottle

Biglam Lachezer

Halsim Valtor

Maddix Balfavor

Hax Lachezer

Terth Vetrid

Obadai Gureth

If you have any questions, let me know. Thanks!

Quote Of The Day #32

Trill Wenwott
"Who the hell do you think I am; a bleeding fairy?"

Quote Of The Day #31

Markus Lumengar
"Ugh. If I have to put up with any more of your pathetic tripe I think I just might have to kill you."

Quote Of The Day #30

I have decided, in order to speedily catch up to the current day, to post three quotes a day now until I reach where I am supposed to be. The first one will be from book one (Tarterrior: The Rise of the Sixth Kingdom), the second from book five (Bleeding Sun), and the third from book two (Wapper and the Spotted Egg). So here we go.

Gorgill Vespar
"Mind if I step in? It looks like you could use a little help. A lot, actually."

Monday, May 4, 2009

Species Of Dragon #6 (Redlin)

Redlin Dragons:
Redlin dragons are close relatives to Sapphirical dragons. One of the only two species of dragon known to be able to grow hair and fur, Redlin dragons make their home in the upper north of Tarterrior in Aradonta. Making their home in the Red Forest, where they get their name, the Redlin species have been known to have an amazing intellect in almost everything. Ranging from nine and a half to eleven feet tall and weighing between 380 to 400 pounds, Redlin dragon's strategic and uncanny minds help them to better their opponents in battle. Bearing one to two sets of teeth, one to three sets of back spines, heavy tails, multiple tattoos (especially around the eyes), and usually a large crown of spines on their head, the Redlin species is able to survive alone in the wilderness for long spans of time. Able to emit such energies as fire, heat waves, black flame, electricity, paralysis needles, hypnosis, dark energy, water, pulse waves, and shock waves, Redlin dragons are lethally equipped for battle. Known for their incredible craft in metal, many ancient and magical weapons have been found that can easily be traced back to the craftsmanship of the ancient Redlin dragons. Some Redlin dragons of significance include:

Swesh Mastalla

Indigo Ravvendin

Astrin Ravvendin

Gorgill Vespar

Tathka Roote (Half Redlin, half Royalic)

Let me know if you have questions. Thanks!

Quote Of The Day #29

Alsenoth Ongeller/ General Seth Raitchin
"If I'm to expect the unexpected, Seth, does that not make the unexpected, in fact, expected?"
Seth rubbed his head. "That's what I get for asking."

Quote Of The Day #28

Keller Scottloch/ Forde Barrick
"I've got twenty kills. You?"
"Seventeen," Forde mumbled.
"Ah don't worry, in time you might be as good as me. I mean, I DO have ten arms."
"Oh shut UP already!"
Keller scoffed loudly. "Wow. What a poor sport."

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Species Of Dragon #5 (Sapphirical)

Sapphirical Dragons:
Getting their name from the Sapphire Mountains in which they are found, Sapphirical dragons are considered an oddity in the world of Tarterrior. Their unique ability to emit ice energy is what sets them apart from the other races. Although some Royalic dragons have been known to harness this same power, it is only those who share a Sapphirical background who are able to do so. Sapphirical dragons are dragons built for attack. They are equipped with up to three rows of teeth, two rows of back spines, a hooked claw on their wing fold, jagged talons, and tails built to kill. Ranging from nine to ten and a half feet tall and 375 to 410 pounds, Sapphirical dragons are among the greatest in tracking and use of terrain. Their keen sense of hearing in particular helps them to better attack their enemies. Their typical shade of blue, grey, white, teal, purple, and green help them in their stealthy actions. There has also been subjects who have been known to have fur or hair, due to the cold climate of the Sapphire Mountains. Able to use ice, fire, heat waves, pulse waves, poison, hypnosis, paralysis needles, paranoia, and energy beams, Sapphirical dragons are a deadly force to be reckoned with. It has been realized that being brought up in the dangerous mountains has proved a vice in creating their stubborn and proud personalities. Many suspect Sapphirical dragons to be proud and loyal to a fault, even if they are the most wicked of the dragon species. Some significant Sapphirical dragons of importance include:

Chi-Chi MkHitton (Half Sapphirical, half Royalic)

Sketh Meldwater

Andonta Wenwott

Trill Wenwott (Half Sapphirical, half Royalic)

Let me know if you have any questions about Sapphirical dragons. Thanks!

Quote Of The Day #27

Pirro Ferreto/ Alsenoth Ongeller
"Are you mad Alsenoth," Pirro asked, his eyes wide.
"Well I'm not angry, if that's what you mean."

Quote Of The Day #26

"Go 'head. I'm hungry for a little blood."

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Species Of Dragon #4 (Royalic)

Royalic Dragons:
The most important species of dragon in the world of Tarterrior, Royalic dragons are distinct in appearance and capability. Ranging from anywhere between nine and ten and a half feet tall and weighing from anywhere between 300 to 390 pounds, Royalic dragons are strong in build and mind. Multicolored as they are, Royalic dragons all have a base skin color of white and are decorated with different colored "tattoos", or markings, over their body. The markings are usually delicate and intricate, but have been known to be bold and blatant as well. Royalic dragons are the most diverse of the dragon species, as some of them may or may not possess wings and back spines. Usually there is a difference in the male and female body build--the females tend to be smaller and possess no back spines, but they usually boast more intricate tattoos than the males. The males often have deadly hooked claws, a set of razor teeth, tails built for attack, and a jagged spike on the fold of their wing (along with the standard crest of back spines). Royalic dragons are direct descendants of the early rulers of Tarterrior and are marked by their bright white skin. Limited in number, Royalic dragons congregate around Tarterrior's capitol in Solazmendor and are either heirs to the Tarterrior throne, or servants to the throne. Their ability to harness such powers as fire, ice, wind, electricity, paralysis needles, hypnotic powers, heat waves, pulse waves, light energy, and water give them a huge and diverse range of abilities. The female of the Royalic species, although not equipped with as much power, have been known to carry deadly poison within the tips of their weapon-tipped tails. Although the Royalic dragons are limited in number, they are extremely detrimental to the goings-on in Tarterrior. Without their direct bloodline from the earliest of the rulers of Tarterrior the world would be left in chaos, for the ancient law that binds Tarterrior together requires their lineage. Royalic dragons have been known to have many mixed bloodlines that can be traced to other species, causing many of the dragons to be half Royalic, and half another type of species. In the genetic strand, it is usually the Royalic gene that dominates, causing the resulting dragon to bear white skin. Some Royalic dragons of significant importance include:

Alsenoth Ongeller

Kala Roote

Chi-Chi MkHitton (Half Royalic, half Sapphirical)

Regalon Reave (Half Royalic, half Creerish)

Kara Roote

Kestus Vertin (Half Royalic, half Flankerian)

General Seth Raitchin

Marion Milswin

Serenity Restrin (Half Royalic, half Flankerian)

Collette Ongeller

Trill Wenwott (Half Royalic, half Sapphirical)

Tathka Roote (Half Royalic, half Redlin)

King Mastik Sunmoss

Let me know if you have any questions about this particular species of dragon. Thanks!

Quote Of The Day #25

Kara Roote
"Just because someone's given up on you doesn't mean you should do the same."

Quote Of The Day #24

Gorgill Vespar
"So, the fire is hot. Do we continue to let ourselves get burned, or do we bail out?"

Friday, May 1, 2009

Species Of Dragon #3 (Flankerian)

Flankerian Dragons:
Flankerian dragons are the oldest species of dragon. Related to the Flanker, Flankerian dragons are small and wingless in appearance but tend to have the most physical strength out of any of the species. Their keen sense of smell, vision, and hearing grant them remarkable perception in battle and help them succeed where they would otherwise fail. Flankerian dragons lack of wings and height comes form their evolution form the Flanker, a long living lizard-like creature that crawls on all fours. Flankerian dragons also have the longest life expectancy out of any of the other species of dragons. They easily adapt to their environment, and can adjust to situations in battle quickly. Flankerian dragons are very limited in number, and are almost extinct in the world of Tarterrior. However, mixed hybrids have been found in other dragon species. Flankerian dragons boast up to two rows of jagged teeth, horribly curved claws, simplistic tails, and wickedly sharp back spines (which may or may not fold across the back in order to create a sort of plated armor). Flankerian dragons are easily the most swift and agile on land, and range from eight to nine and half feet as well as 350 to 380 pounds. Their link to the Flanker race also gives them a sort of wild aura in battle and their ability to harness such attacks as fire, electricity, paralysis needles, poison needles, sulfuric flame, heat waves, pulse waves, tremors, and hypnotic power leave them a force to be reckoned with. Known Flankerian dragons of importance include:

Wreaknatter Drudlok

Kestus Vertin (Half Flankerian, half Royalic)

Kinlat Alpir

Let me know if you have any questions about this species. Thanks!

Species Of Dragon #2 (Phoenical)

Phoenical Dragons:
Like their Dryskinic cousins, Phoenical dragons are somewhat bland in appearance of color. Often found in shades of red, orange, yellow, purple, or brown, Phoenical dragons are very birdlike in their structure. Their snouts and jaw bones are narrow and pointed, and their wingspan is one of the largest of the different species. Due to their lean build, Phoenical dragons range from 370 to 390 pounds and are often found to be between ten and ten and a half feet tall. Their body structure consists of one or two rows of spines along their back, a tail used to defend or attack (often in the shape of a foreboding weapon), one to two sets of razor sharp teeth, long and crooked talons, and a set of wings boasting a jagged claw at the folding point. Phoenical dragons are somewhat less limited than their Dryskinic cousins in their available forms of energized attack. Known forms include: fire, electricity, poison needles, paralysis needles, heat waves, pulse waves, and occasionally hypnosis. The second most common species of dragon in Tarterrior, Phoenical dragons have been around for ages and are known for their keen eye, causing many of them to be trained as archers in war training. Their agility and speed while flying is hard to match, and they tend to stray away from the swamp areas of Tarterrior because of their enhanced sense of smell. Some Phoenical dragons of significant importance include:

Forde Barrick

Mordin Grimsparr


Zech Grimsparr

Griff Grimsparr

If you have any questions concerning this specific type of dragon species, please let me know. Thanks!

Quote Of The Day #23

General Seth Raitchin
"There comes a time in all of our lives when we must sacrifice our own needs for the needs of those we love. Are you ready to do that when the time comes, friend?"

Quote Of The Day #22

Swesh Mastalla
"To be frank Forde, I don't like you. So shut it."