
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Bleeding Sun (Book Five)

I have completed the plot outline, in full, for the fifth book. Although this one didn't take me nearly as long as the fourth book's outline, it was by far more difficult. The book is the same BASIC storyline as the fourth book, but told through a different character's perspective. This means that I had to make sure that they seamed together perfectly, and that everything made sense. It was extremely difficult, and I think that this book and the sixth book are my favorites, so I am very proud.


Karen Lambson said...


I had no idea you were writing so many books. I can't wait for the first one to be published.


Kirthi said...

that is the scariest title ever, Bleeding Sun! Well, the unborn girl sounds scary too. and all those supernatural kinda stuff....

Adam Gonzales said...

Yeah, I gave a lot of thought for the title of this book in particular. This book (and possibly the sixth book as well) is my favorite. It is all about Alsenoth Ongeller and Kala Roote, his love. She is supposed to represent the sun and he, the moon. There is A LOT of double meanings and hidden metaphors in my books. I hope SOME people catch on to them.

Kirthi said...

oh I get it! wow, i like books with hidden messages, because you get the opportunity to figure out the meaning.
I cannot wait to read it on paper