
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Species Of Dragon #1 (Dryskinic)

So here is my first post on the different types of dragon species.

Dryskinic Dragons:
The Dryskinic dragon is one of the two most common types of dragon species found in Tarterrior. Boasting one pair of wings, curved claws, jagged teeth, a long tail, and a row of spikes across its back, the Dryskinic dragon's closest relative is the Phoenical dragon. Dryskinic dragons are often bland in color--ranging from one to three different hues at the most. They bear no colorful tattoos or intricate markings along their body, and they often have a white stomach to help blend into the sky to those below while flying. Dryskinic dragons tend to have a rounded off snout, unlike their Phoenical cousins whose snout and face are sharp and pointed. Dryskinic dragons are plain in appearance, having no more than one set of teeth and back spines. Their tails, unlike other species, are used to help aid them in flying, swimming, and running, rather than attacking and defending. The second oldest species of dragon, Dryskinic dragons are knowledgeable in methods of using their surrounding terrain, as well as finding a perfect defensive resting spot for a home. Because of their simple nature, Dryskinic dragons do not possess any extreme methods of attack and are thus limited to such forms of energy as: fire, pulse waves, heat waves, paralysis needles, and hypnotic abilities. Dryskinic dragons also tend to be somewhat taller in height, while remaining lean, ranging from ten to eleven feet and weighing between 380 to 400 pounds. Some Dryskinic dragons of significant importance include:

Greilner Drudlok


Lord Handonna Conquet

If you have any comments or questions on this particular species of dragon, please let me know. Thanks!

Quote Of The Day #21

Rajax Lacklottle
Rajax barked out an echoing blast of sound that threw Wreaknatter's men high into the air. His bleeding eyes wrapped in their bandages, he smiled and turned to Biglam as if nothing had happened.
"So! Back to what I was saying!"

Quote Of The Day #20

Greilner swung his heavy spear in a large arch, slicing Lech's golden side. Blood began to pour out in a ceaseless stream. Lech simply stared at his side and rolled his eyes.
"Oh, that's fantastic," he muttered sarcastically.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Origin Of Dragons

So, I am not sure how much people understand the characters in my book. Yes, they are dragons, but they are not your stereotypical kind of dragons. Dragons did not start off as gigantic mindless beasts of terror--in fact they started off quite the opposite. Dragons are in fact an intelligent type of creature that vary in species and size. Ranging from nine to eleven feet, dragons have the ability to project energies that may or may not include ice, fire, heat waves, paralysis needles, pulse waves, electricity, earth, hypnosis, poison, as well as other types of defensive and offensive qualities. Dragons are known as one of the only sentient beings within the world of Tarterrior, and are the most prominent as well. The species of dragon varies between the following types:


There are also other lesser types that include:


Dragons are very different then what we perceive them to be. Our limited scope of their world has caused confusion on what they really are. I will be posting descriptions of each one of the species so that my readers may better understand each character within my book. Enjoy!

Quote Of The Day #19

Alsenoth Ongeller/ Wreaknatter Drudlok
"So then, Wreaknatter, if I am that much a nuisance then what do you propose to do?"
Wreaknatter grinned menacingly.
"Simple," he hissed, "I kill you."

Quote Of The Day #18

Wow! Thirteen days and no posts? Isn't that like some sort of sin (especially since it's thirteen)? I'm going to make it up by posting two quotes a day until I finally catch up to be where I am supposed to be. One will be from the first book, one from the fifth. Keep checking. Wow...thirteen...geeze....

Greilner Drudlok
"I am not one that you would like to get angry. Hmff! Zakathura has had more than enough time, and as he has failed to bring me back Barrick's head I want you to bring me his in Forde's place. That should be easy enough."

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Quote Of They Day #16

Zakathura Alzim
"That blasted cretin will find himself hanging from an oak soon enough."

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Quote Of The Day #15

Trill Wenwott
"I am sure it is, and although I enjoy watching you liquefy your brains, King Zaliff asked to speak to you specifically. We do not want him talking to a blubbering idiot, do we? Oh! Wait! [Too late!]"

Monday, April 13, 2009

Quote Of The Day #14

Whoops! I forgot Sunday's quote, so here's an extra today!

Wreaknatter Drudlok
"Watch, my dear friend, as they tear at each other's throats, as they so foolishly rip their friends to shreds. As always, our plans will work out perfectly."

Quote Of The Day #13

Wreaknatter Drudlok/ Forde Barrick
"Did you ever think that I would be so foolhardy that I wouldn't consider you'd be there to ruin everything in the end?"
Forde gulped under Wreaknatter's claws as they tightened around his throat. He cracked a feeble smile.
"Well, I was hoping."

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Quote Of The Day #12

Forde Barrick/ Trill Wenwott
"Trifle not with trifle matters," Forde said, trying to sound wise and important.
Trill gave him a hard and serious look in return.
"Were you ever educated?"

Friday, April 10, 2009

Quote Of The Day #11

Keller Scottloch/ Mordin Grimsparr
Keller raised his brow.
"I know I'm new here and everything but aren't we supposed to be helping each other?"
Mordin laughed.
"Yeah, you're definitely new here."

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Quote Of The Day #10

Forde Barrick/ Trill Wenwott
Forde gave an irritated sigh.
"I know what to do Trill, I'm not stupid."
Trill rolled his eyes.
"Well I'm not."

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Quote Of The Day #9

Trill Wenwott
"It is not a toy that can be meddled with, Forde. Mordin is right; something with this sort of power needs to stay in the hands of someone who is, shall we say, responsible. I believe that leaving it for Mordin to handle would be the best idea for now."

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Quote Of The Day #8

Sketh Meldwater
"You don't know the Barrick boy. And as for the Grimsparr descendant, let us just say that he's not quite as brittle as we would have hoped."

Monday, April 6, 2009

Publisher! (SPECIAL UPDATE #2)

I have special news! I have been contacted by a publisher, and hope to be soon on the way to getting my book finished! Depending on how popular the publishers think my book will be, the smoother the process will go. SO, my plea to you is to help spread the word about my blog to EVERYONE (even if you think they'd be uninterested, or if they're STRANGERS) so that I will have a massive following on my blog. I need all the COMMENTS, FOLLOWERS, and VIEWERS that I can get. Hurry and spread the word! Thanks!

Quote Of The Day #7

Mordin Grimsparr/ Trill Wenwott
Forde was hitting his head against the wall while Trill and Mordin sat quietly on the waiting room's bench. Mordin leaned over to Trill and whispered so that Forde would not be able to hear him.
"Why is he doing that?"
Trill gave a twisted smile. "You mean besides trying to damage his brain even further? I believe it has something to do with Handonna."

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Quote Of The Day #6

Wreaknatter Drudlok
'You have no one but yourself to blame for what is to come. That is why I choose to let you wade in the swamp that is your sins and shortcomings. Sorry father; the time has long gone that I would throw you a rope.'

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Friday, April 3, 2009

Quote Of The Day #4

Trill Wenwott/ Forde Barrick
"And that's why you always watch your back, Mordin," Trill's gaze locked onto Forde. It was full of resentment and disgust.
Forde raised his brow. "What's that look for, Trill?"
"Oh nothing," Trill tried to keep his voice steady and nonchalant, "I just try to always show vague interest in everything that I find to be repulsive and ugly."

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Quote Of The Day #3

Handonna Conquet/ Forde Barrick
"Forde," Handonna's voice was deep and self-righteous. His eyes glinted in the moonlight that poured in through the clear glass windows as he cracked a smile. "Don't think that I'm beginning to like you; you're the one who's irritating me."
Forde grinned. "Always have been, always will."

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Quote Of The Day #2

Wreaknatter Drudlok
"It is easier to destroy a fool who doesn't know he's a fool than it is to destroy one who does."

There's the next quote. Keep checking back for more!